- WebComponent-MDL is a set of Custom HTML Components for [Material Design Lite](http://www.getmdl.io), often called "MDL", a library of vanilla components maintained by Google. The current implementation of WebComponent-MDL (v0.x) uses the entire MDL library provided by Google. This includes both the MDL CSS. Therefore, for you to use the library, you have to also require the original MDL files. And we suggest you to use the files we provide in the `/extra` directory of the repository.
Small status descriptors for UI elements.
<mdl-badge text="6" no-background></mdl-badge>
<mdl-badge text="♥"></mdl-badge>
<mdl-badge text="♥" overlap>
<mdl-badge text="♥" no-background>
Configuration options
Attribute | Effect | Remarks |
text |
Assign string value to badge | Required |
overlap |
Makes the badge overlaps its container | Optional |
no-background |
Removes the background of the badge | Optional |
Self-contained pieces of paper with data.
<!-- Wide card with share menu button -->
.demo-card-wide.mdl-card {
width: 512px;
.demo-card-wide mdl-card-title {
height: 176px;
background: url('../assets/welcome_card.jpg');
.demo-card-wide mdl-card-title h2 {
color: #fff;
.demo-card-wide mdl-card-title a {
display: flex;
align-self: flex-end;
line-height: 32px;
.demo-card-wide > .mdl-card__menu {
color: #fff;
.demo-card-wide mdl-card-title-text {
color: white;
<mdl-card class="demo-card-wide" shadow="4">
Welcom to <a href="https://github.com/FIEOSA">FIEOSA</a> !
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Mauris sagittis pellentesque lacus eleifend lacinia...
<mdl-card-actions border>
<mdl-button colored ripple>
Get Started
<mdl-icon-button ripple>
Featured event:
May 24, 2016
<!-- Wide card with share menu button -->
.demo-card-event.mdl-card {
width: 256px;
height: 256px;
background: #3E4EB8;
.demo-card-event > mdl-card-actions {
border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
.demo-card-event > mdl-card-title {
align-items: flex-start;
.demo-card-event > mdl-card-title > h4 {
color: #fff;
margin-top: 0;
.demo-card-event > mdl-card-actions {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.demo-card-event > mdl-card-actions > mdl-icon {
padding-right: 10px;
.demo-card-event > mdl-card-title,
.demo-card-event > mdl-card-actions,
.demo-card-event > mdl-card-actions > mdl-button {
color: #fff;
<mdl-card class="demo-card-event" shadow="2">
<mdl-card-title expand>
Featured event:<br>
May 24, 2016<br>
<mdl-card-actions border>
<mdl-button ripple>
Add to Calendar
Configuration options
Element | Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
mdl-card | shadow |
Number | Defines the shadow depth | Optional, Default 0. Must be between 0 and 24 |
mdl-title | expand |
Boolean | Defines title to expand | Optional, Default false |
mdl-card-actions | border |
Boolean | Defines actions has a line border on Top | Optional, Default false |
Represents complex entities in small blocks.
<!-- Basic Chip -->
<span class="mdl-chip__text">Basic Chip</span>
<!-- Deletable Chip -->
<mdl-chip deletable>
<mdl-chip-text>Deletable Chip</mdl-chip-text>
<!-- Button Chip -->
<mdl-chip tabindex="0">
<mdl-chip-text>Button Chip</mdl-chip-text>
<!-- Contact Chip -->
<mdl-chip-contact class="mdl-color--teal mdl-color-text--white">A</mdl-chip-contact>
<mdl-chip-text>Contact Chip</mdl-chip-text>
<!-- Deletable Contact Chip -->
<mdl-chip deletable>
<mdl-chip-contact style="background: url('../assets/chip_contact.jpg') 0 0 / cover"></mdl-chip-contact>
<mdl-chip-text>Deletable Contact Chip</mdl-chip-text>
Configuration options
Element | Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
mdl-chip | deletable |
Boolean | Set when delete button exists | Optional |
mdl-chip | tabindex |
String | If you need interactivity, set tabindex to any string | Optional |
mdl-chip-contact | ||||
mdl-chip-text | ||||
mdl-chip-action |
Modal windows for dedicated user input.
Note: Dialogs use the HTML <dialog> element, which currently has very limited cross-browser support. To ensure support across all modern browsers, please consider using a polyfill or creating your own. There is no polyfill included with MDL.
Allow data collection?
Allowing us to collect data will let us get you the information you want faster.
<mdl-button ripple raised primary onclick="showDialog()">Show Dialog</mdl-button>
<h4>Allow data collection?</h4>
Allowing us to collect data will let us get you the information you want faster.
<mdl-button class="close">Disagree</mdl-button>
<mdl-button primary raised>Agree</mdl-button>
function showDialog() {
var dialog = document.querySelector('mdl-dialog');
dialog.open = true;
dialog.querySelector('.close').addEventListener('click', function() {
dialog.open = false;
Configuration options
Element | Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
mdl-dialog | open |
Boolean | Set the open state of the dialog | Optional |
mdl-dialog-title | ||||
mdl-dialog-content | ||||
mdl-dialog-actions | full-width |
Boolean | Apply the full-width effect to all children of dialog actions | Optional |
Building blocks for constructing a page layout.
Navigation layouts
<mdl-layout fixed-drawer>
<mdl-header style="background-color: #3F51B5;">
<span class="mdl-layout-title">Title</span>
<a href="">Link1</a>
<a href="">Link2</a>
<a href="">Link3</a>
<a href="">Link4</a>
<span class="mdl-layout-title">Title</span>
<a href="">Link</a>
<a href="">Link</a>
<a href="">Link</a>
<a href="">Link</a>
Configuration options
Attribute | Effect | Remarks |
fixed-header |
Fixed header fixed to screen | Optional |
fixed-drawer |
Fixed drawer fixed to screen | Optional |
fixed-tabs |
Fixed tabs fixed to screen | Optional |
<mdl-cell shadow="2" col="1">1</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell shadow="3" col="1">1</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell shadow="4" col="1">1</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell shadow="6" col="1">1</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell shadow="8" col="1">1</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell shadow="16" col="1">1</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell shadow="24" col="1">1</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell shadow="16" col="1">1</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell shadow="8" col="1">1</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell shadow="4" col="1">1</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell shadow="3" col="1">1</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell shadow="2" col="1">1</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell col="4">4</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell col="4">4</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell col="4">4</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell col="6">6</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell col="4">4</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell col="2">2</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell col="6" tablet="8">6 (8 tablet)</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell col="4" tablet="6">4 (6 tablet)</mdl-cell>
<mdl-cell col="2" phone="4">2 (4 phone)</mdl-cell>
Configuration options
Element | Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
mdl-grid | no-spacing |
Boolean | Removes the margins between the cells. | Optional |
mdl-grid | shadow |
Number | Defines the shadow depth | Optional, Default 0. Must be between 0 and 6 |
mdl-cell | align |
String[top, middle, bottom, stretch] | Set the cell alignment | Optional |
mdl-cell | col |
Number[1..12] | Set the column size | Required |
mdl-cell | hide-desktop |
Boolean | Hide the cell in desktop mode | Optional |
mdl-cell | hide-phone |
Boolean | Hide the cell in phone mode | Optional |
mdl-cell | hide-tablet |
Boolean | Hide the cell in tablet mode | Optional |
mdl-cell | offset |
Number[1..7] | Adds N columns of whitespace before the cell | Optional |
mdl-cell | offset-desktop |
Number[1..7] | Adds N columns of whitespace before the cell in desktop mode | Optional |
mdl-cell | offset-phone |
Number[1..7] | Adds N columns of whitespace before the cell in phone mode | Optional |
mdl-cell | offset-tablet |
Number[1..7] | Adds N columns of whitespace before the cell in tablet mode | Optional |
mdl-cell | phone |
Number[1..12] | Set the column size in phone mode | Optional |
mdl-cell | tablet |
Number[1..12] | Set the column size in tablet mode | Optional |
mdl-cell | shadow |
Number | Defines the shadow depth | Optional, Default 0. Must be between 0 and 6 |
- Eddard
- Catelyn
- Robb
- Sansa
- Brandon
- Arya
- Rickon
- Tywin
- Cersei
- Jamie
- Tyrion
- Viserys
- Daenerys
<mdl-tabs ripple>
<mdl-tab href="#starks-panel" active>Starks</mdl-tab>
<mdl-tab href="#lannisters-panel">Lannisters</mdl-tab>
<mdl-tab href="#targaryens-panel">Targaryens</mdl-tab>
<mdl-tab-panel id="starks-panel" active>
<mdl-tab-panel id="lannisters-panel">
<mdl-tab-panel id="targaryens-panel">
Configuration options
Element | Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
mdl-tabs | ripple |
Boolean | Applies ripples effect on tabs | Optional |
<mdl-footer size="mega">
<mdl-footer-section type="middle">
<mdl-footer-drop-down title="Features">
<a href="#">About</a>
<a href="#">Terms</a>
<a href="#">Partners</a>
<a href="#">Updates</a>
<mdl-footer-drop-down title="Details">
<a href="#">Specs</a>
<a href="#">Tools</a>
<a href="#">Resources</a>
<mdl-footer-drop-down title="Technology">
<a href="#">How it works</a>
<a href="#">Patterns</a>
<a href="#">Usage</a>
<a href="#">Products</a>
<a href="#">Contracts</a>
<mdl-footer-drop-down title="FAQ">
<a href="#">Questions</a>
<a href="#">Answers</a>
<a href="#">Contact Us</a>
<mdl-footer-section type="bottom">
<a href="#">Help</a>
<a href="#">Privacy & Terms</a>
Configuration options
Element | Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
mdl-footer | size |
String (mini, mega) | Set the size of the footer | Optional, default "mega" |
mdl-footer-section | type |
String (top, middle, bottom, left, right) | Set the section type | Optional, default left |
mdl-footer-drop-down | title |
String | Set the "logo" name | Required |
mdl-logo |
Customizable scrollable lists.
<!-- Simple list -->
.demo-list-action {
width: 300px;
<mdl-list class="demo-list-action">
Bryan Cranston
Aaron Paul
Bob Odenkirk
<!-- Icon List -->
.demo-list-action {
width: 300px;
<mdl-list class="demo-list-action">
Bryan Cranston
Aaron Paul
Bob Odenkirk
<!-- List items with avatar and action -->
.demo-list-action {
width: 300px;
<mdl-list class="demo-list-action">
<mdl-list-item-avatar large>person</mdl-list-item-avatar>
<span>Bryan Cranston</span>
<a href="#"><mdl-icon>star</mdl-icon></a>
<mdl-list-item-avatar large>person</mdl-list-item-avatar>
<span>Aaron Paul</span>
<a href="#"><mdl-icon>star</mdl-icon></a>
<mdl-list-item-avatar large>person</mdl-list-item-avatar>
<span>Bob Odenkirk</span>
<a href="#"><mdl-icon>star</mdl-icon></a>
<!-- List with avatar and controls -->
.demo-list-control {
width: 300px;
<mdl-list class="demo-list-control">
<mdl-list-item-avatar large>person</mdl-list-item-avatar>
<span>Bryan Cranston</span>
<mdl-switch checked></mdl-switch>
<mdl-list-item-avatar large>person</mdl-list-item-avatar>
<span>Aaron Paul</span>
<mdl-list-item-avatar large>person</mdl-list-item-avatar>
<span>Bob Odenkirk</span>
<!-- List with avatar and controls -->
.demo-list-two {
width: 300px;
<mdl-list class="demo-list-two">
<mdl-list-item two-line>
<mdl-list-item-avatar large>person</mdl-list-item-avatar>
<span>Bryan Cranston</span>
<mdl-list-item-subtitle>62 Episodes</mdl-list-item-subtitle>
<mdl-list-item-action info="Actor">
<a href="#"><mdl-icon>star</mdl-icon></a>
<mdl-list-item two-line>
<mdl-list-item-avatar large>person</mdl-list-item-avatar>
<span>Aaron Paul</span>
<mdl-list-item-subtitle>62 Episodes</mdl-list-item-subtitle>
<mdl-list-item-action info="Actor">
<a href="#"><mdl-icon>star</mdl-icon></a>
<mdl-list-item two-line>
<mdl-list-item-avatar large>person</mdl-list-item-avatar>
<span>Bob Odenkirk</span>
<mdl-list-item-subtitle>62 Episodes</mdl-list-item-subtitle>
<mdl-list-item-action info="Actor">
<a href="#"><mdl-icon>star</mdl-icon></a>
<!-- List with avatar and controls -->
.demo-list-three {
width: 650px;
<mdl-list class="demo-list-three">
<mdl-list-item three-line>
<mdl-list-item-avatar large>person</mdl-list-item-avatar>
<span>Bryan Cranston</span>
<mdl-list-item-subtitle large>Bryan Cranston played the role of Walter in Breaking Bad. He is also known
for playing Hal in Malcom in the Middle.</mdl-list-item-subtitle>
<a href="#"><mdl-icon>star</mdl-icon></a>
<mdl-list-item three-line>
<mdl-list-item-avatar large>person</mdl-list-item-avatar>
<span>Aaron Paul</span>
<mdl-list-item-subtitle large>Aaron Paul played the role of Jesse in Breaking Bad. He also featured in
the "Need For Speed" Movie.</mdl-list-item-subtitle>
<a href="#"><mdl-icon>star</mdl-icon></a>
<mdl-list-item three-line>
<mdl-list-item-avatar large>person</mdl-list-item-avatar>
<span>Bob Odenkirk</span>
<mdl-list-item-subtitle large>Bob Odinkrik played the role of Saul in Breaking Bad. Due to public fondness for the
character, Bob stars in his own show now, called "Better Call Saul".</mdl-list-item-subtitle>
<a href="#"><mdl-icon>star</mdl-icon></a>
Configuration options
Element | Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
mdl-list | ||||
mdl-list-item-content | ||||
mdl-list-item | two-line |
Boolean | Set item to have 2 lines | Optional. Cannot be set alongside threeline |
mdl-list-item | three-line |
Boolean | Set item to have 3 lines | Optional. Cannot be set alongside twoLine |
mdl-list-item-action | info |
string | Set a small header above the action | Optional |
mdl-list-item-avatar | large |
Boolean | Larger size | Optional |
mdl-list-item-subtitle | large |
Boolean | Larger size | Optional |
Indicate loading and progress states.
Progress bar
<!-- Simple Progress Bar -->
<mdl-progress progress="44">
<!-- Progress Bar with Indeterminate Progress -->
<mdl-progress indeterminate>
<!-- Progress Bar with Buffering -->
<mdl-progress progress="33" buffer="87">
Configuration options
Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
buffer |
Number | Specify the buffer | Optional |
indeterminate |
Boolean | Set as indeterminate | Optional |
progress |
Number | Specify the progress value | Optional |
<!-- Simple spinner -->
<!-- Single color spinner -->
<mdl-spinner single-color>
Configuration options
Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
single-color |
Boolean | Use the primary color instead of a multi color spinner | Optional |
Selecting a value out of a range.
<mdl-slider id="test_slider" onchange="alert(event.target.value);" min="0" max="100" value="0"></mdl-slider>
<mdl-slider min="0" max="100" value="25"></mdl-slider>
Configuration options
Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
max |
Number | Set the maximum value | Required |
min |
Number | Set the minimum value | Required |
onchange |
Function | Callback taking 1 parameter, the Change Event. New value retrivable via event.target.value |
Required when value is provided |
value |
Number | Set the initial/current value | Optional |
Transient popup notifications.
ripple raised primary>
message="My message"
function snackbarTest() {
var snacks = document.getElementsByTagName('mdl-snackbar');
snacks[0].active = true;
Configuration options
Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
message |
String | Specify the message to show. Show textContent If not set | Optional |
action-text |
String | Specify the label of the action button | Optional |
active |
Boolean | Set the snackbar visible | Required. Should be false when mounting the component |
onaction |
Function | Function to call when the action button is clicked | Optional |
timeout |
Number | Defines the time (in ms) to show the snackbar | Optional. Default 2750 |
Choose between states.
<mdl-checkbox label="Checkbox"></mdl-checkbox>
<mdl-checkbox checked label="Checkbox"></mdl-checkbox>
<mdl-checkbox disabled label="Checkbox"></mdl-checkbox>
Configuration options
Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
label |
String | Defines the label text | Optional |
checked |
Boolean | Defines the checkbox as "checked" | Optional |
disabled |
Boolean | Defines the checkbox as "disabled" | Optional |
ripple |
Boolean | Applies the ripple effect | Optional |
onchange |
Function | Callback to receive the change event | Optional |
Radio button
<mdl-radio name="options" value="1" ripple label="First"></mdl-radio>
<mdl-radio name="options" value="2" ripple checked label="Second"></mdl-radio>
<mdl-radio name="options" value="3" ripple disabled label="Third"></mdl-radio>
Configuration options
Element | Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
mdl-radio | label |
String | Defines the label of the radio | Optional |
mdl-radio | name |
String | Defines the name of the radio group | Required |
mdl-radio | disabled |
Boolean | Set as disabled | Optional |
mdl-radio | ripple |
Boolean | Applies the ripple effect | Optional |
mdl-radio | value |
String or Number | Defines the selected value | Required |
Icon toggle
<!-- onchange -->
<mdl-icon-toggle onchange="alert(event.target.checked);" name="format_bold"></mdl-switch>
<!-- ripple -->
<mdl-icon-toggle ripple name="format_italic"></mdl-icon-toggle>
<!-- checked -->
<mdl-icon-toggle checked name="face"></mdl-icon-toggle>
<!-- disabled -->
<mdl-icon-toggle disabled name="mood"></mdl-icon-toggle>
Configuration options
Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
name |
String | Set the icon name" | Required |
checked |
Boolean | Defines the checkbox as "checked" | Optional |
disabled |
Boolean | Defines the checkbox as "disabled" | Optional |
ripple |
Boolean | Applies the ripple effect | Optional |
onchange |
Function | Callback to receive the change event | Optional |
<mdl-switch onchange="alert(event.target.checked);"></mdl-switch>
<mdl-switch ripple checked label="checked"></mdl-switch>
<mdl-switch disabled label="disabled"></mdl-switch>
<mdl-switch disabled checked label="disabled checked"></mdl-switch>
Configuration options
Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
label |
String | Defines the label of the radio | Optional |
checked |
Boolean | Defines the checkbox as "checked" | Optional |
disabled |
Boolean | Defines the checkbox as "disabled" | Optional |
ripple |
Boolean | Applies the ripple effect | Optional |
onchange |
Function | Callback to receive the change event | Optional |
Organize data.
Material | Quantity | Unit price |
Acrylic (Transparent) | 25 | $2.90 |
Plywood (Birch) | 50 | $1.25 |
Laminate (Gold on Blue) | 10 | $2.35 |
<mdl-table shadow="4" selectable>
<th>Unit price</th>
<td>Acrylic (Transparent)</td>
<td>Plywood (Birch)</td>
<td>Laminate (Gold on Blue)</td>
Configuration options
Element | Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
mdl-table | shadow |
Number | Defines the shadow depth | Optional, Default 0. Must be between 0 and 24 |
mdl-table | selectable |
Boolean | Defines if the table is selectable | Optional, Default false |
Text Fields
Textual input components.
Text Numeric
<!-- Simple textfield -->
<!-- Numeric textfield -->
error="Input is not a number!"
Text with floating label Numeric with floating label
<!-- Textfield with floating label -->
<!-- Numeric Textfield with floating label -->
error="Input is not a number!"
Multiple line Expanding
<!-- Floating Multiline Textfield -->
rows= "3"
label="Text lines...">
<!-- Expandable Textfield -->
label="Expandable Input">
Configuration options
Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
disabled |
Boolean | Applies the disabled state | Optional |
error |
String | Specifies the error message | Optional |
expandable |
Boolean | Set the textfield as expandable | Optional |
expandable-icon |
String | Set the icon for the expandable textfield | Optional |
floating-label |
Boolean | Applies the floating label effect | Optional |
label |
String | Defines the input label | Required |
maxrows |
Number | Defines the max rows (multilines) | Optional |
pattern |
String | Defines the pattern to validate the value | Optional |
required |
Boolean | Set the textfield as required | Optional |
rows |
Number | Defines the number of rows (multiline) | Optional |
value |
String or Number | Defines the 'current' value | Optional |
Useful information on hover.
top tooltop
large bottom
large bottom tooltop
left tooltop
large right
large right tooltop
<span id="ttl1">top</span>
<mdl-tooltip for="ttl1" position="top">top tooltop</mdl-tooltip>
<span id="ttl2">large bottom</span>
<mdl-tooltip for="ttl2" large position="bottom">large bottom tooltop</mdl-tooltip>
<span id="ttl3">left</span>
<mdl-tooltip for="ttl3" position="left">left tooltop</mdl-tooltip>
<span id="ttl4">large right</span>
<mdl-tooltip for="ttl4" large position="right">large right tooltop</mdl-tooltip>
Configuration options
Attribute | Type | Effect | Remarks |
large |
Boolean | Defines a large tooltip | Optional |
position |
String[left, right, top, bottom] | Specify the position of the tooltip | Optional |